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Saturday 7 April 2012

FYI: How and when to use the suffixes 'i' and 'kan'

Let's find a few examples first, just to have a grab of what is going to be discussed this time. To be safe (on my side at least), I am going to list down examples given by a reliable source (sumber yang boleh dipercayai). She is a Bahasa Melayu teacher at St. John's Institution. I can't name her because I haven't gotten her permission yet. Here are the examples:

a. menjatuhkan, menjatuhi
b. menidurkan, meniduri

Here's what she told me about the related grammar rule.

a. When a verb is used with an object to affect a receiver, we should always use the suffix 'kan'.
b. When a verb is used without an object, and directly point to a receiver, we should use the prefix 'i' but not always necessary.

Confused? I was too, initially. But with these sentences as  examples, perhaps you can understand what it means.

1. Hakim menjatuhkan hukuman tiga tahun penjara ke atas pesalah tersebut.
2. Hakim menjatuhi pesalah tersebut dengan hukuman tiga tahun penjara.

In sentence (1), Hakim is the doer, hukuman is the object and pesalah is the receiver.
Sentence (2) is the same thing all over, but this time, notice now Hakim menjatuhi pesalah, meaning Hakim (doer) does the verb menjatuhi directly to pesalah (the receiver). The object comes later and it doesn't matter. Sentence (1) says Hakim (the doer) does the verb menjatuhkan, hukuman (the object) to pesalah (the receiver). Still confused? Study these sentences, take note when and how the suffixes 'kan' and 'i' is used:

Normah menghamburkan kata-kata kesat kepada bekas suaminya.
Normah menghamburi suaminya dengan kata-kata kesat.

I do hope you can understand that now, otherwise you really need to resit your SPM BM Paper.

Which comes to the second example of menidurkan, meniduri. This is the only exception in using 'kan' and 'i', because, something will turn out awfully not right when,

Saya meniduri anak perempuan saya di dalam biliknya. (I slept with my daughter in her room). That is why this is an exception. It should always be written as, Saya menidurkan anak perempuan saya di biliknya (I tuck my daughter into bed in her room).

Well, you know what, I knew someone who 'meniduri anaknya' and later with a little bit of my help, hakim telah menjatuhkan hukuman enam belas tahun penjara ke atasnya. I had wished he got a maximum of twenty years, but sixteen is not that bad, I guess. It made sure his libido is completely depleted by the time he got out. And you know what, cell people hate incest.

But sorry, I digress.

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