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Friday, 20 July 2012

Extras: Buzzes About Buses

1. Here is....

..... a school bus. That's right.

2. Here is....

... a chartered bus. That's right.

3. Here is....

... I don't know. But I can guess what it is. Can you?

It is the same as the number 2 above. But why do they use 'catar'? It's not in the dictionary anyway. So I scoured in it, any way possible and then came this page that says 'catar' is actually 'charter' but the right Malay spelling is 'cater'. 'Catar' is not an acceptable Malay word but frequently used as meaning 'cater' (the Malay word) or 'charter' (the English word).

Yes, we frequently use words that are not words anyway. So, no surprise there. No surprise also from Lembaga Pelesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) or Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board for not taking it serious enough to address the matter. As a person who has seven years experience in driving a taxi in the city, I perfectly understand that. In that seven years, they have created and discarded many rules and regulation at their whims and fancies, for example, colour your taxi according to the company that owns it and later, no you don't have to, you can pick up passengers at the airport and later no you can't, and some taxis can have sports rims some can't. No surprise, no surprise.

I don't know why I like to digress...

Back to the buses. I guess if we used 'Bas Cater' instead, people will think that bus is carrying food maybe. If we used 'Bas Carter' instead, people will think that that bus belongs to the former US President. If we used 'Bas Aziz Sattar' instead, people will think that Aziz Sattar owns all of the 'bas persiaran' here in Malaysia. 

There you go, what is so wrong and ugly with 'Bas Persiaran' that you so abhor using it?

I don't know....


  1. Kalau guna word sewa saja tak boleh ke? apasal nak pinjam perkaatan luar. Banyak perkataan melayu sekarang dah dipinjam dari perkataan luar (banyaknya dari english words). padahal perkataan melayu dah sedia ada dan boleh guna pakai. mungkin word melayu panjang kot. nak taip "perkataan" malas sebab panjang , ganti la dgn word je. kalau camtu pulak baik kita melayukan saja semua english words. boleh terima ka? cuba en sones kupas sikit pasal kita. bagi dbp punya view sikit ke..

  2. Guna 'Bas Sewa' saja, tak sedap dan tak gramatis (Bas Sewaan). Orang tertentu dari DBP ada bagi tau, kalau perkataan tu teknikal dan terjemahannya menimbulkan kekeliruan lebih elok diserapkan bulat2 dan betul fonetik melayunya saja. Ada yang aku setuju. Tapi yang aku tak setujunya bila perkataan melayu dah tepat dan tak teknikal pun, mengada-ngada nak pakai perkataan serapan daripada B. Inggeris contohnya glu (gam). Ada banyak lagi nak tulis ni..tunggu je
